Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

Oracle Golden Gate : Replicat checkpoint lagtime keep growing with status running

We have a source schema BLP in  database OLSV102 in host PREPAID01 replicated to schema BLP in database OLSV102 in host PREPAIDDRC01. An application access this mirror database for reporting purpose. On Monday, 20 October 2014, people in charge to generate the report told me that he could not generate any report from 17 October 2014 and we can see that in the target database, no new data after 16 October 2014 16:43 PM.

we saw the replicat checkpoint lag keep growing. the culprit was tablespace that is used by BLP schema reach its limit.We  added new datafiles. after waiting several hours, the replicat checkpoint lag keep growing. and when i executed command :

send <replicat_name>, status

it returned 0 processed data.
any idea or suggestion ?

(i posted this issue in 2 other discussion forum, as soon as i got any hints, ill update this post)

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